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Couverture du livre « Mint » de Lizzimore Clare aux éditions Hern Nick Digital
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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A sharp and detailed portrayal of a man struggling to keep his head above water. Over 10 years of imprisonment Alan's life has been measured out in weekly visits from his family; slices of the normal life he's left behind. Everything will be so much better once he's finally out and back home for... Voir plus

A sharp and detailed portrayal of a man struggling to keep his head above water. Over 10 years of imprisonment Alan's life has been measured out in weekly visits from his family; slices of the normal life he's left behind. Everything will be so much better once he's finally out and back home for good. Won't it? Clare Lizzimore's debut play Mint premiered at the Jerwood Theatre Downstairs in July 2013 as part of the Royal Court's Open Court festival.

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