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Gambling on Love

Couverture du livre « Gambling on Love » de Nancy Fraser Patti Shenberger aux éditions Entangled Publishing Llc
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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Louisiana, 1867. Dressed as a boy, Felicity Beaumont devises a plan to move her fathers illegally owned slaves north to safety using the gambling river boat known as the River Maiden. Unbeknownst to its charismatic captain, Jake McCade, of course. Jake doesn't trust women, and when he discovers... Voir plus

Louisiana, 1867. Dressed as a boy, Felicity Beaumont devises a plan to move her fathers illegally owned slaves north to safety using the gambling river boat known as the River Maiden. Unbeknownst to its charismatic captain, Jake McCade, of course. Jake doesn't trust women, and when he discovers Felicity's subterfuge, he remembers exactly why. While they find themselves in agreement about helping the slaves, they are at odds over everything else, including their quickly escalating feelings for one another.

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