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Forbidden Lessons in a Kabul Guesthouse

Couverture du livre « Forbidden Lessons in a Kabul Guesthouse » de Damien Lewis aux éditions Little Brown Book Group Digital
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Forbidden Lessons in a Kabul Guesthouse is an inspirational memoir by Suraya Sadeed, an Afghan woman from a wealthy family who became an exile in America after the Russians invaded. She made a happy and successful life for herself in Virginia with her husband and child. Then in the wake of... Voir plus

Forbidden Lessons in a Kabul Guesthouse is an inspirational memoir by Suraya Sadeed, an Afghan woman from a wealthy family who became an exile in America after the Russians invaded. She made a happy and successful life for herself in Virginia with her husband and child. Then in the wake of her husband's sudden death she decided to return to Afghanistan to help those who had suffered throughout the years of the invasion, the reign of the Taliban and post 9/11 trauma. A true heroine, she smuggled herself across borders in various disguises and braved warlords and the Taliban to bring hope and aid to thousands. Once back in America she founded Help the Afghan Children, a charity that over 17 years has raised millions to set up schools and clinics in Afghanistan and to help the displaced people of the region.

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