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Faster, faster, nice and slow (picture puffin)

Couverture du livre « Faster, faster, nice and slow (picture puffin) » de Sharratt Nick/Heap S aux éditions Penguin Uk
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Penguin Uk
  • EAN : 9780140567878
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier
  • Nombre de pages : (-)
  • Collection : (-)
  • Genre : (-)
  • Thème : Jeunesse
  • Prix littéraire(s) : (-)

A third title in this superb series by award-winning best friends, Sue Heap and Nick Sharratt. Here is the perfect way to learn about opposites. Whether it's a quiet cat and a noisy dog, a freezing cold or a hot and sunny day or a super fast leopard and a family of slowly-slow snails, Sue and... Voir plus

A third title in this superb series by award-winning best friends, Sue Heap and Nick Sharratt. Here is the perfect way to learn about opposites. Whether it's a quiet cat and a noisy dog, a freezing cold or a hot and sunny day or a super fast leopard and a family of slowly-slow snails, Sue and Nick introduce all sorts of opposites in an engaging and memorable way.

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