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Epilepsy Simplified

Couverture du livre « Epilepsy Simplified » de John Leach et Rebecca O'Dwyer aux éditions Tfm Publishing Ltd
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Simplicity is an underrated virtue; where information is vital, it should be possible to put it across in a way that is easy to understand and remember. Epilepsy is a common condition which has been recognised since the beginning of history, and as the opportunities for diagnosis and effective... Voir plus

Simplicity is an underrated virtue; where information is vital, it should be possible to put it across in a way that is easy to understand and remember. Epilepsy is a common condition which has been recognised since the beginning of history, and as the opportunities for diagnosis and effective treatment have increased, it becomes more important that health professionals have a working knowledge of how epilepsy interacts with their own area of expertise. The interactions between all aspects of medicine and epilepsy should motivate all to do their best to learn about management of all stages of the disease, from first seizure through to status epilepticus. This is recognition that providing a diagnosis of epilepsy has more than medical implications, and in fact it is safe to say that there are few aspects of modern life that will remain untouched by such a diagnosis and consequent treatment. At some point, discussions will be required around the issues of fertility, job prospects, driving issues, family safety, childcare, travel, life insurance, diet, and sports participation. This book, has been produced by Dr Becky O'Dwyer and Dr John Paul Leach, recognised experts in epilepsy from opposite sides of the Atlantic. They have tried to make the key concepts of epilepsy's cause, prognosis and treatment accessible to all in this compact format, providing information for clinicians and permitting informed choice for patients and their families.

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