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Dormant:Black Beauty (Puf Classic Relaunch)

Couverture du livre « Dormant:Black Beauty (Puf Classic Relaunch) » de Anna Sewell aux éditions Children Pbs
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  • Thème : Non attribué
  • Prix littéraire(s) : (-)

Probably the most popular horse story of all time, Black Beauty tells the story of one horse's long and varied life. On the one hand, a fully engaging novel and on the other hand, a strong statement against animal maltreatment. Anna Sewell's classic novel has enthralled readers since it was... Voir plus

Probably the most popular horse story of all time, Black Beauty tells the story of one horse's long and varied life. On the one hand, a fully engaging novel and on the other hand, a strong statement against animal maltreatment. Anna Sewell's classic novel has enthralled readers since it was first published in 1877.

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