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Death of a dandy

Couverture du livre « Death of a dandy » de Barry Hamilton aux éditions Studyrama
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Studyrama
  • EAN : 9782759006588
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

England, victorian era. Philipp Hayisham is found murdered in his favorite restaurant. Detective Carlyle is in charge of the investigation. Quickly, he finds out a lot of Philipp Hayisham's ennemies and seems to be about to complete his investigation, when a lot of new clues come to confuse the... Voir plus

England, victorian era. Philipp Hayisham is found murdered in his favorite restaurant. Detective Carlyle is in charge of the investigation. Quickly, he finds out a lot of Philipp Hayisham's ennemies and seems to be about to complete his investigation, when a lot of new clues come to confuse the issue.

Un livre d'entraînement plein de suspens, ciblant le vocabulaire basique, pour tous ceux qui souhaitent rafraîchir, approfondir et élargir leurs connaissances de la langue anglaise.

Pour un niveau intermédiaire.

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