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What Happens After Dark

Couverture du livre « What Happens After Dark » de Jasmine Haynes aux éditions Penguin Group Us
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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She's pushed all the limits-but can she finally free herself completely?
Bree Mason wants more out of life, but she is ruled by fear and controlled by her secrets. And there's one great secret she's hidden for years, even from herself. But now a tragedy is causing her carefully constructed... Voir plus

She's pushed all the limits-but can she finally free herself completely?
Bree Mason wants more out of life, but she is ruled by fear and controlled by her secrets. And there's one great secret she's hidden for years, even from herself. But now a tragedy is causing her carefully constructed world to unravel...
Bree is like no other woman Luke Raven has ever known. He's always given her what she's asked for. But now he craves more-a lot more. Luke wants a relationship outside their strictly sexual affair. But can he help Bree exorcise her demons and free her from her abusive past?

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