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Tommy This an' Tommy That

Couverture du livre « Tommy This an' Tommy That » de Murrison Andrew aux éditions Biteback Publishing Digital
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There is nothing new about the military covenant, a freshly minted term for something that';s been around for as long as soldiering itself. 'Tommy'; may have to make the ultimate sacrifice for his country. But what will his country do for him? Over centuries the covenant has been variously... Voir plus

There is nothing new about the military covenant, a freshly minted term for something that';s been around for as long as soldiering itself. 'Tommy'; may have to make the ultimate sacrifice for his country. But what will his country do for him? Over centuries the covenant has been variously honoured and ignored. Confronted daily with flag-draped coffins, shameful stories of inadequate kit and shocking images of the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan: what exactly are we doing to honour those who sacrifice all in the service of their country? In Tommy This an'; Tommy That Andrew Murrison uses his perspective as a senior Service doctor and frontline politician to set the events of the past ten years in historical context. He charts the ways in which societal and political changes have impacted on the wellbeing of uniformed men and women, and the nation';s changing sense of obligation towards the military. Crucially he asks what the future holds for the military covenant.

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