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The Real Lucky Charm

Couverture du livre « The Real Lucky Charm » de Richardson Charisse aux éditions Penguin Group Us
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Mia Robinson has always cheered for her twin brother, Marcus, at his rec center basketball games. But this year Mia is getting the chance to have Marcus cheer for her. Marcus's team, the Titans, has just become coed! Mia is thrilled to be playing on the team and wearing a team uniform, and she's... Voir plus

Mia Robinson has always cheered for her twin brother, Marcus, at his rec center basketball games. But this year Mia is getting the chance to have Marcus cheer for her. Marcus's team, the Titans, has just become coed! Mia is thrilled to be playing on the team and wearing a team uniform, and she's even more excited when her dad gives her a basketball charm for her charm bracelet. When Mia does well on the court, she starts to believe that her basketball charm is really a lucky charm. Mia's got it made! After all, who needs to practice when they have a real lucky charm on their side?

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