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The lower and middle palaeolithic in the middle east and neighbouring regions

Couverture du livre « The lower and middle palaeolithic in the middle east and neighbouring regions » de Le Tensorer/Jagher/O aux éditions Pulg
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Pulg
  • EAN : 9782930495125
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

The Core-and-Flake Industry of Bizat Ruhama, Israel: Assessing Early Pleistocene Cultural Affinities | Yossi Zaidner New Acheulian Locality North of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov - Contribution to the Study of the Levantine Acheulian | Gonen Sharon The Lower Palaeolithic in Syria | Sultan Muhesen & Reto... Voir plus

The Core-and-Flake Industry of Bizat Ruhama, Israel: Assessing Early Pleistocene Cultural Affinities | Yossi Zaidner New Acheulian Locality North of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov - Contribution to the Study of the Levantine Acheulian | Gonen Sharon The Lower Palaeolithic in Syria | Sultan Muhesen & Reto Jagher Innovative human behavior between Acheulian and Mousterian: A view from Qesem Cave, Israel | Ran Barkai & Avi Gopher The Mugharan Tradition Reconsidered | Avraham Ronen, Izak Gisis & Ivan Tchernov Recent progress in Lower and Middle Palaeolithic research at Dederiyeh cave, northwest Syria | Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Yosef Kanjo, Sultan Muhesen & Takeru Akazawa Le Yabroudien en Syrie : état de la question et enjeux de la recherche | Amjad Al Qadi The contribution of Hayonim cave assemblages to the understanding of the so-called Early Levantine Mousterian | Liliane Meignen Capturing a Moment: Identifying Short-lived Activity Locations in Amud Cave, Israel | Erella Hovers, Ariel Malinsky-Buller, Mae Goder-Goldberger & Ravid Ektshtain Late Levantine Mousterian Spatial Patterns at Landscape and Intrasite Scales in Southern Jordan | Donald O. Henry Levallois points production from eastern Yemen and some comparisons with assemblages from East-Africa, Europe and the Levant | Rémy Crassard & Céline Thiébaut Development of a geospatial database with WebGIS functions for the Paleolithic of the Iranian Plateau | Saman Heydari, Elham Ghasidian, Michael Märker & Nicholas J. Conard The Late Middle Palaeolithic and Early Upper Palaeolithic of the northeastern and eastern edges of the Great Mediterranean (south of Eastern Europe and Levant): any archaeological similarities ? | Yuri E. Demidenko The Archaeology of an Illusion: The Middle-Upper Paleolithic Transition in the Levant | John J. Shea La transition du Moustérien à L'Aurignacien au Zagros | Marcel Otte & Janusz Kozlowski El Kowm, a key area for the Palaeolithic of the Levant in Central Syria | Reto Jagher & Jean-Marie Le Tensorer Nadaouiyeh Aïn Askar - Acheulean variability in the Central Syrian Desert | Reto Jagher The faunal remains from Nadaouiyeh Aïn Askar (Syria). Preliminary indications of animal acquisition in an Acheulean site | Nicole Reynaud Savioz Hummal: a very long Paleolithic sequence in the steppe of central Syria - considerations on Lower Paleolithic and the beginning of Middle Paleolithic | Jean-Marie Le Tensorer, Vera von Falkenstein, Hélène Le Tensorer & Sultan Muhesen Chronometric age estimates for the site of Hummal (El Kowm, Syria) | Daniel Richter, Thomas C. Hauck, Dorota Wojtczak, Jean-Marie Le Tensorer & Sultan Muhesen A Yabroudian Equid skull and upper cheek teeth from the site of Hummal (El Kowm, Syria) | Hani El Suede The Lower Palaeolithic assemblage of Hummal | Fabio Wegmüller A three-dimensional model of the Palaeolithic site of Hummal (Central Syria) | Daniel Schuhmann Hummal (Central Syria) and its Eponymous Industry | Dorota Wojtczak The Mousterian sequence of Hummal and its tentative placement in the Levantine Middle Palaeolithic | Thomas C. Hauck

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