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The illustrator's survival guide

Couverture du livre « The illustrator's survival guide » de Nicolas Trost et Amelia Giroux-Gagne aux éditions Illustration Quebec
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  • Thème : Non attribué
  • Prix littéraire(s) : (-)

Since its inception in 1983, Illustration Quebec (Quebec Association of illustrators) has developed numerous promotional tools for illustrators. It has also created documents regarding copyrights, contracts, licences, and other issues relative to the profession of illustration. With its... Voir plus

Since its inception in 1983, Illustration Quebec (Quebec Association of illustrators) has developed numerous promotional tools for illustrators. It has also created documents regarding copyrights, contracts, licences, and other issues relative to the profession of illustration. With its extensive experience, Illustration Quebec decided that it was high time to write an illustrators survival guide.
This tool answers the most frequent questions asked and provides avenues to find additional information on specific accounting and legal topics that illustrators may need throughout their career. You will surely find what you need in this book to facilitate and enrich your experience as an illustrator. Enjoy the read!

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