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Morocco That Was

Couverture du livre « Morocco That Was » de Chandler James aux éditions Epagine

Until 1912 Morocco had never suffered foreign domination, and its mountainous interior was as closed to foreigners as Tibet. Walter Harris was the exception. He lived in the country for more than thirty-five years, and as The Times correspondant he observed every aspect of its life. He describes... Voir plus

Until 1912 Morocco had never suffered foreign domination, and its mountainous interior was as closed to foreigners as Tibet. Walter Harris was the exception. He lived in the country for more than thirty-five years, and as The Times correspondant he observed every aspect of its life. He describes the unfettered Sultanate in all its dark, melodramatic splendour. Harris was an intimate of at least three of the ruling Sultans and a man capable of befriending even his kidnapper. Included in this volume is his account of his most audacious expedition. Only three Christians had ever visited the walled city of Sheshouan: one was poisoned, one came for an hour disguised as a rabbi. the other was Walter Harris.

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