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Mindful Walking

Couverture du livre « Mindful Walking » de O'Donovan Hugh aux éditions Hachette Ireland Digital
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Six million years ago, the evolving human brain existed only to instruct our bodies to move.

In Mindful Walking, psychologist Hugh O'Donovan takes us back to this very basic connection between the brain and the body - movement -- and looks at how, by focussing on the simple act of moving, we... Voir plus

Six million years ago, the evolving human brain existed only to instruct our bodies to move.

In Mindful Walking, psychologist Hugh O'Donovan takes us back to this very basic connection between the brain and the body - movement -- and looks at how, by focussing on the simple act of moving, we can achieve inner peace and physical well-being.

Bringing together the concept of mindfulness in movement along with the three paths of change for a better life - talking, meditation and walking - Mindful Walking shows us how we can better manage the internal and external distractions that clog our path to mental happiness while also improving our physical health.

With simple exercises on how to incorporate mindful walking into our everyday lives: from walking up the stairs to walking in the park or climbing a mountain, Mindful Walking is for seasoned walkers, city amblers or people learning how to walk again after illness.

Take your first steps on the journey to physical health and mental happiness.

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