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Midnight in Death/Interlude in Death

Couverture du livre « Midnight in Death/Interlude in Death » de Robb J D aux éditions Little Brown Book Group Digital
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Revenge, courage and murky pasts collide in these two exclusive J. D. Robb short stories Midnight in Death Eve's name has made a Christmas list, but it's not for being naughty or nice. It's for putting a serial killer behind bars. Now he's escaped and has her in his sights.
With her husband,... Voir plus

Revenge, courage and murky pasts collide in these two exclusive J. D. Robb short stories Midnight in Death Eve's name has made a Christmas list, but it's not for being naughty or nice. It's for putting a serial killer behind bars. Now he's escaped and has her in his sights.
With her husband, Roarke, at her side, Eve must stop this madman from exacting his bloody revenge - or die trying . . .
Interlude in Death When respected Commander Skinner offers Lieutenant Eve Dallas a promotion if she'll give her husband Roarke up to custody, she reacts badly. Roarke's Irish past is murky, but he's a changed man - so what is the Commander after?
With Eve and Skinner at one of Roarke's holiday resorts for a police convention, Skinner's thwarted vengeance soon brings death to their luxury surroundings . . .

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