Ce road-movie intimiste est l'une des BD à ne pas manquer en cette rentrée
War is a serious unsolved question concerning many: the military, industry, the media, and even the entertainment business - but also ordinary people. Often war is, for the military, about fighting against the enemy - and losing men and women. For industry, war is about providing up-to-date equipment for the battlefield and about gaining business. For the media, war is about news, spectacles, and Hollywood-type institutions about propaganda and remembering. For the military-industrial-media-entertainment complex, war concerns power and politics becoming more virtual than ever, which has consequences that are not discussed deeply enough. Instead, for human beings, who mostly feel during wars a scale of emotions from fear and hatred to astonishment, war is actual, practice that often has no meaning on the desks of developers of war machines.
Weapons in messy wars are not only pure military ones, and fighters are not only soldiers, for globalization has changed warfare. A groundbreaking book on the messy wars of the 21st century takes us into new kinds of battlefields. Messy Wars is essential reading for everybody affected by current and future wars.
The book includes a preface by Douglas Kellner.
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