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Mask of Power: Terrafin Battles the Boom Brothers #4

Couverture du livre « Mask of Power: Terrafin Battles the Boom Brothers #4 » de Beakman Onk aux éditions Penguin Group Us
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When a sinister robot buries the Skylanders in mountains of sticky cotton candy, Terrafin and his friends must travel to the legendary Explosive Emporium atop the Junk Mountains. Will they defeat Kaos and the Boom Brothers, or will the world drown in a sugary mess?
Terrafin Battles the Boom... Voir plus

When a sinister robot buries the Skylanders in mountains of sticky cotton candy, Terrafin and his friends must travel to the legendary Explosive Emporium atop the Junk Mountains. Will they defeat Kaos and the Boom Brothers, or will the world drown in a sugary mess?
Terrafin Battles the Boom Brothers is the fourth exciting novel in the original Mask of Power series.

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