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Historicising Gender and Sexuality

Couverture du livre « Historicising Gender and Sexuality » de Kevin P. Murphy et Jennifer M. Spear aux éditions Wiley-blackwell
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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Historicising Gender and Sexuality features a diverse collection of essays that shed new light on the historical intersections between gender and sexuality across time and space. Demonstrates both the particularities of specific formulations of gender and sexuality and the nature of the... Voir plus

Historicising Gender and Sexuality features a diverse collection of essays that shed new light on the historical intersections between gender and sexuality across time and space. Demonstrates both the particularities of specific formulations of gender and sexuality and the nature of the relationship between the categories themselvesPresents evidence that careful and contextualised analysis of the shifting relationship of gender and sexuality illuminates broader historical processes

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