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Drumbeat ? Dominique

Couverture du livre « Drumbeat ? Dominique » de Stephen Marlowe aux éditions Head Of Zeus
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Drum confronts a senator to save the life of a drunken old friend. When Chester Drum knew him, Jack Morley was a Washington player, just a few promotions away from becoming Secretary of State. A bad divorce and a nervous breakdown later, Morley has hit rock bottom, and works in Paris for the... Voir plus

Drum confronts a senator to save the life of a drunken old friend. When Chester Drum knew him, Jack Morley was a Washington player, just a few promotions away from becoming Secretary of State. A bad divorce and a nervous breakdown later, Morley has hit rock bottom, and works in Paris for the Army ghoul squad, confirming the deaths of World War II soldiers long ago reported missing in action. Morley is content to spend the rest of his life wallowing in the bottom of a Pernod bottle, until word gets out that he is blackmailing a US senator -- an accusation that could cost him his life. Though disgusted by his old friend's drunkenness, Drum agrees to make Morley's case to the senator. Blackmailer or no, Morley has stumbled onto a conspiracy that dates back to the end of the war. If Drum can't get to the bottom of it, Morley won't be the only one to die.

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