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The Black Sheep

Couverture du livre « The Black Sheep » de Fox Susan et Yukako Midori aux éditions Harlequin K.k./softbank Creative Corp.
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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Willa was banished from her hometown after causing a serious car accident long ago. When she returns five years later to attend her uncle´s funeral, she is welcomed by the unchanging icy stares of the town´s residents. A former lover, Clay, also greets her with hatred, but as the truth became... Voir plus

Willa was banished from her hometown after causing a serious car accident long ago. When she returns five years later to attend her uncle´s funeral, she is welcomed by the unchanging icy stares of the town´s residents. A former lover, Clay, also greets her with hatred, but as the truth became apparent, little by little, Clay´s attitude begins to change...

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