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Mumbai et goa

Couverture du livre « Mumbai et goa » de  aux éditions Time Out
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Time Out
  • EAN : 9781904978718
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

A chaotic, 13-million-strong melting pot of ethnic groups from all over India, Mumbai - called Bombay by many who live there - is India's economic engine and home to the world's largest film industry. Six hundred kilometres away, the golden beaches of Goa feel like another country. Drawing on... Voir plus

A chaotic, 13-million-strong melting pot of ethnic groups from all over India, Mumbai - called Bombay by many who live there - is India's economic engine and home to the world's largest film industry. Six hundred kilometres away, the golden beaches of Goa feel like another country. Drawing on insider expertise, this book discusses both locales.

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