Ce road-movie intimiste est l'une des BD à ne pas manquer en cette rentrée
All the people on earth get together to push the sky up with giant poles because it is too low and they keep bumping their heads against it. The crafty snake gets to know god's secret message to man and becomes immortal by shedding its skin. An emperor's sorrow bursts forth as flames and lava and turns Mount Fuji into a volcano. These are just some of the fantastic and magical myths and legends from all over the world-'Africa to Japan and Thailand to Alaska-'that have been brought together in this exquisite collection. Charming and simple, yet profound in their wisdom, the stories encompass a diverse range. Some recount unforgettable tales of love and adventure, of dutiful sons and scheming gods, of enchanted lands and giant serpents. Others tell us how the world was created, why the sun and moon never meet each other though they live in the same sky, how clouds appeared to save mankind from the sun's scorching rays, and why living creatures shed tears when they are in pain. Retold here by best-selling author Anita Nair, these timeless stories come alive with a freshness and exuberance that is sure to delight and captivate.
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Ce road-movie intimiste est l'une des BD à ne pas manquer en cette rentrée
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