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You Never Can Tell

Couverture du livre « You Never Can Tell » de George Bernard Shaw aux éditions Culturea
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Culturea
  • EAN : 9791041999811
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

"You Never Can Tell" by George Bernard Shaw is a delightful and incisive comedy that delves into themes of love, marriage, and social class dynamics. Set in a quaint seaside town in England, the narrative unfolds around the unconventional Clandon family, who after an extended period abroad, find... Voir plus

"You Never Can Tell" by George Bernard Shaw is a delightful and incisive comedy that delves into themes of love, marriage, and social class dynamics. Set in a quaint seaside town in England, the narrative unfolds around the unconventional Clandon family, who after an extended period abroad, find themselves navigating the complexities of English society and its rigid norms.

The play centers on Mrs. Clandon, a forward-thinking feminist author, and her three children, who have been brought up with progressive ideals that often clash with the more conservative views they encounter. The plot thickens with the introduction of Mr. Valentine, a charming yet traditional dentist, and his forthright landlord, setting the stage for a humorous clash of ideologies and romantic entanglements.

Shaw's sharp wit and masterful dialogue shine throughout the play, as he skillfully critiques the pretensions and absurdities of Victorian society. Through a series of comedic misunderstandings and the characters' witty exchanges, "You Never Can Tell" explores enduring themes of identity, love, and personal freedom, all while entertaining the audience with its clever humor and dynamic characters.

This play remains a celebrated work in theater, appreciated for its satirical brilliance and the light-hearted yet poignant commentary on social structures and personal relationships.

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