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Couverture du livre « UNTITLED » de Jenny T. Colgan aux éditions Orbit Uk
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Orbit Uk
  • EAN : 9780356505442
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Poche

LOCAL GIRL SWEPT OFF HER FEET Mild-mannered publicist Holly Phillips is unlucky in love. She's embarrassed beyond belief when the handsome stranger she meets in a bar turns out to be 'Ultimate Man' - a superpowered hero whose rescue attempt finds her hoisted over his shoulder and flashing her... Voir plus

LOCAL GIRL SWEPT OFF HER FEET Mild-mannered publicist Holly Phillips is unlucky in love. She's embarrassed beyond belief when the handsome stranger she meets in a bar turns out to be 'Ultimate Man' - a superpowered hero whose rescue attempt finds her hoisted over his shoulder and flashing her knickers in the newspaper the next day. But when Holly's fifteen minutes of fame make her a target for something villainous, she only has one place to turn - and finds the man behind the mask holds a lot more charm than his crime-fighting alter-ego. Can Holly find love, or is superdating just as complicated as the regular kind?

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