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Universal rules and path

Couverture du livre « Universal rules and path » de Bharati Shuddhananda aux éditions Assa
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Assa
  • EAN : 9782889220311
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

Universal Rules and PathKavi Yogi Maharishi Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati, in his book Universal Rule and Path, gives us lots of leads and good thoughts to take in order to lead our lives as best as possible. His text allows us to open our heart to a higher consciousness in accordance with the... Voir plus

Universal Rules and PathKavi Yogi Maharishi Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati, in his book Universal Rule and Path, gives us lots of leads and good thoughts to take in order to lead our lives as best as possible. His text allows us to open our heart to a higher consciousness in accordance with the universal and divine law. His book The Gospel of Perfect Life reflects the fragrant beauty of his great soul.Universal Rules and Path is an excellent personal guide for leading a life of happiness.The BookConsciousness is Atma, The SelfAtman is that divine Thing which shines within each and every one as knowledge.The unique Lord is oneFor all living beings and for all Worlds and for all Religions, God is one only.Heart is the home of happinessEach one's heart itself is the Heaven that gives utmost happiness for each one.Be ye widely liberal and compassionateConduct yourself with liberalness and compassion towards all living beings.The Whole Universe is a TempleThe entire Universe is a Temple.Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget

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