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Making strange : the Chara Schreyer collection

Couverture du livre « Making strange : the Chara Schreyer collection » de Douglas Fogle aux éditions Dap Artbook

This substantial volume brings together nearly 250 art works spanning more than 100 years that ask us to reconsider how we look at the world. Brought together by Chara Schreyer over the course of three decades, these works invite us to rethink our perception of the everyday in the wake of... Voir plus

This substantial volume brings together nearly 250 art works spanning more than 100 years that ask us to reconsider how we look at the world. Brought together by Chara Schreyer over the course of three decades, these works invite us to rethink our perception of the everyday in the wake of Duchamp's radical reimagination of the art object and the Russian literary critic Viktor Shklovsky's conception of making strange. Whether looking at the idea of making strange in the work of Duchamp and O'Keeffe, the legacy of minimalism and its discontents in the sculptures of Judd and Gonzalez Torres, the idea of disaster in America as seen through the eyes of Warhol and Ligon, the uses of language in the works of Weiner and Holzer or the restaging of life through photography from Arbus to Sherman, this catalog reevaluates the relationship between art and the world.

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