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Jewel of Jarhen

Couverture du livre « Jewel of Jarhen » de Edwin-Charles Tubb aux éditions Victor Gollancz

FREE ACTING TERRAN ENVOY F.A.T.E. Captain Kennedy lay between life and death after his mind had been hurled a million years into the past. To break the spell of the Jewel of Jarhen which held the Captain in its thrall, three members of FATE had to pit all their formidable skills against a... Voir plus

FREE ACTING TERRAN ENVOY F.A.T.E. Captain Kennedy lay between life and death after his mind had been hurled a million years into the past. To break the spell of the Jewel of Jarhen which held the Captain in its thrall, three members of FATE had to pit all their formidable skills against a terrible enemy. The danger to Captain Kennedy's life was matched by the peril to an entire world. It was an inexorable race against time for the FATE team as they tried to break the mystery of the pre-galactic artifact on which all the horror hinged.

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