Lovecraft comme vous ne l'avez jamais lu, à travers une sélection de lettres qui rend son univers encore plus complexe et fascinant
In our everyday lives we are constantly bombarded by electronic media. From billboards to the internet, television and movies, special effects rule the day. Whether new technologies such as touch screens or retrievals from the past such as GIFS or 3D graphics, the arsenal is vast. As a result, we are numb to passive forms of advertising or promotion. This extends to the realm of printed material we need to have our attention grabbed by the jugular. In Graphic Candy, designers respond by presenting the best in interactive promotional design of recent years. Showcasing a brilliant assortment of invitations, stationery, calendars, toys, puzzles and more that push print technology to its limits, involving the consumer in the realization of the design itself and in turn the promotion of the brand. Featured designers include: Codesign, Werner Design, LSDK, Paperlux, Wakey, Vellut, Yurko Gutsulyak, SNASK, The Creative Method, BLOW, KOTENHITS, Bunch Design, Onion Design and Bravo Company.
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Lovecraft comme vous ne l'avez jamais lu, à travers une sélection de lettres qui rend son univers encore plus complexe et fascinant
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Ambassadrice passionnée du Prix Orange du Livre, Joëlle nous a quittés jeudi 29 août
Après "Celle qui parle", l'autrice nous embarque dans un road-trip en compagnie d'un couple qui bat de l'aile