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Dying, Death and the Politics of After-Death in Africa : Studies of some Nigerian Communities

Couverture du livre « Dying, Death and the Politics of After-Death in Africa : Studies of some Nigerian Communities » de Ezeh/Uchendu/Agbo aux éditions Galda Verlag
  • Nombre de pages : 308
  • Collection : (-)
  • Genre : Sociologie
  • Thème : Sociologie
  • Prix littéraire(s) : (-)

This book is the outcome of a major conference initiated and organized at University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 2013 by Society for Research and Promotion of Igbo Culture, The Art Republic, and Death Studies Association of Nigeria, in association with the School of General Studies, University of... Voir plus

This book is the outcome of a major conference initiated and organized at University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 2013 by Society for Research and Promotion of Igbo Culture, The Art Republic, and Death Studies Association of Nigeria, in association with the School of General Studies, University of Nigeria Nsukka and with the support of Institute Française de Recherche en Afrique (IFRA), Ibadan. The selected essays from the conference published in this anthology dwell on how death and culture shape each other in some Nigerian communities. The essays cover issues in thanatology, dying, death, and the politics of the otherworld. Combining interests in mortuary acts and arts, the book images death as an agent for symbolic actions, extra-ordinary creative acts and the access road to ancestrality.

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