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Pierre Sauvage-a leading figure in Parisian interior design and proprietor of Paris' legendary home furnishings boutique Casa Lopez-invites readers into twenty of his friend's homes, from New York to Paris, London, Brussels, and Comporta. Designers, gallerists, entrepreneurs, and publishers have opened their doors to welcome us into their singular, impeccably decorated interiors, revealing sumptuous living rooms replete with artworks and inviting dining rooms with creatively arranged tables. These prestigious hosts all take pleasure in receiving family and friends in intimate gatherings and with style, at homes as varied as an artist's studio, a seaside farmhouse, or a townhouse in the heart of the city, expressing their sense of conviviality as well as sharing the signature recipes that delight their guests.Providing a wealth of inspiration for the home and table, this volume pays tribute to the art of entertaining.
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