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Couverture du livre « Anguesangue » de Daniel Lima aux éditions Kus !
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Kus !
  • EAN : 9789934581656
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

What unites the band Faint Spirit, a rented room on the 3rd floor, a soliloquy for an invisible audience, a hidden inquirer, a visit at dusk in November and a neighbor who is there to spy on us when we leave ? Eugénio, a guest who doesn't find comfort in the fact that I don't believe in ghosts.... Voir plus

What unites the band Faint Spirit, a rented room on the 3rd floor, a soliloquy for an invisible audience, a hidden inquirer, a visit at dusk in November and a neighbor who is there to spy on us when we leave ? Eugénio, a guest who doesn't find comfort in the fact that I don't believe in ghosts. Anguesângue is a three-chapter adaptation of the short stories Unhappiness and On Parables by Franz Kafka.

"Daniel Lima has composed an alluring, spooky tune to the lyrics of Franz Kafka. Sing along... if you dare".
Peter Kuper

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