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Zane's Busy Bodies: Chocolate Flava 4

Couverture du livre « Zane's Busy Bodies: Chocolate Flava 4 » de Zane Richard aux éditions Atria Books
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Zane Presents serves up its eighth anthology, an impressive compilation of short stories by twenty-five up-and-coming writers of erotica plus Zane, who dishes out a tale about a town that once visited will leave memories that last forever. Busy Bodies is filled with erotic... Voir plus

Zane Presents serves up its eighth anthology, an impressive compilation of short stories by twenty-five up-and-coming writers of erotica plus Zane, who dishes out a tale about a town that once visited will leave memories that last forever. Busy Bodies is filled with erotic escapes and sexy scenarios. From the student in a faraway place who encounters a mysterious man with a supernatural attraction, to a boyfriend who gives his girlfriend a birthday surprise she never saw coming, this diverse collection of stories is an express train to all points of passion and pleasure. Get on board and get busy.

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