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The Victorian in the Wall

Couverture du livre « The Victorian in the Wall » de Adamsdale Will aux éditions Faber And Faber Digital

Latte-land. Power-prams, Grand Design knock-throughs, organic everything. A work-shy writer discovers a Victorian man living in the wall of his flat. Everyone's pretty surprised. Adjustments need to be made. Can the strange visitor unlock his hopeless career? His flagging relationship?... Voir plus

Latte-land. Power-prams, Grand Design knock-throughs, organic everything. A work-shy writer discovers a Victorian man living in the wall of his flat. Everyone's pretty surprised. Adjustments need to be made. Can the strange visitor unlock his hopeless career? His flagging relationship? A story buried in these walls for over a century? (Doubt it. Maybe. Yes.) Contains jokes, songs, banging on recycling boxes, a talking fridge. Will Adamsdale's The Victorian in the Wall premiered at the Royal Court Theatre, London, in May 2013.

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