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Teen Vogue Handbook: An Insider'S Guide To Careers In Fashion, The

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Amy Astley, former Teen Vogue Editor-in-Chief, says: The Teen Vogue Handbook is a dream book, a truly creative book filled with tips on the stylish life from the top people in the industry. The key to this book is the mix of beautiful pictures, career advice and profiles of everyone and... Voir plus

Amy Astley, former Teen Vogue Editor-in-Chief, says: The Teen Vogue Handbook is a dream book, a truly creative book filled with tips on the stylish life from the top people in the industry. The key to this book is the mix of beautiful pictures, career advice and profiles of everyone and every aspect of the fashion industry. There are hugely famous people interviewed (Marc Jacobs, Bruce Weber, Patrick DeMarchelier) alongside assistants and others who are just getting started. The book includes 6 sections: Designers, Editors, Stylists, Beauty, Photographers and Models. And in every section, the people in the profile share simple tips on how to live the Teen Vogue lifestyle, now.

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