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Couverture du livre « Dharmayatra » de Tampalawena Dhammaratana aux éditions Nuvis
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Nuvis
  • EAN : 9782363671639
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

Āsia¹ƒsanā- (Poem of Eulogy) by Ähelepola MAHINDA In Honour of Ven. Dr. Tampalawela Dhammaratana Preface Understanding Early Buddhist Oral Narrative Bhikkhu ANĀLAYO Temps absolu, temps relatif, et bouddhisme humaniste Dessein BART Buddhism and Social Justice: Why Equality, for what sake... Voir plus

Āsia¹ƒsanā- (Poem of Eulogy) by Ähelepola MAHINDA In Honour of Ven. Dr. Tampalawela Dhammaratana Preface Understanding Early Buddhist Oral Narrative Bhikkhu ANĀLAYO Temps absolu, temps relatif, et bouddhisme humaniste Dessein BART Buddhism and Social Justice: Why Equality, for what sake Equity, and which Inequalities? François CHENET Über die tiefste Bedeutung des Wortes DHARMA vor allem im frühen Buddhismus Michael COLSMAN The Resurgence of the Tripia¹­aka in Sri Lanka's Preoccupations: Ancient and Modern Contributions to the Preservation and Understanding of the Buddhavacana Mahinda DEEGALLE The Celestial Coral Tree and the Noble Disciple: Ekottarika-āgama Discourse 39.2 BhikkhunÄ« DHAMMADINNĀ The Emergence of Bhikkhua¹‡Ä« Sāsana (Order of Nuns) and its Vicissitudes in Ancient Sri Lanka Malini DIAS Rereading the «Career of the Conqueror» - Some text-critical notes on the Jinacarita Dragomir DIMITROV Digitalizing Buddhist Stories: Literary Texts and Digital Texts Xiaoping DONG Préservation de la Nature dans les Enseignements Bouddhiques Patricia GADEN The Benefit of Cooperation: Recovering the Śokavinodana Ascribed to Aśvaghoa¹£a Jens-Uwe HARTMANN Kazunobu MATSUDA Péter-Daniel SZÁNTÓ Transferts culturels : Traduire l'argumentation philosophique - Cas d'étude du Shenisha jing é-å°¼æ²™ç¶«Janavasabha-sutta (Le cas de Janavasabha) Siyan JIN Dharmaratnalekhā - Letter to Dharmaratna Davuldea¹‡a JÑĀNEŚVARA Gleichheit: Ein Beitrag zur Beziehung Selbst -Anderer im Denken Śāntidevas Gisela KREY Buddhism: Monolith or System? Lewis LANCASTER La comparaison des lumières du Soleil avec la nature du Bouddha Robert LECHEMIN A Study on the Nestorianism Remains in Dunhuang Caves Boya LI 中å›oeæoe€æ-©çš„ç-.观åoe±é™¢ --莫高窟åoe-魏257窟æ-.事绻的图像叙事及空é-´å.³ç³»ç»ç©¶ Ling LUO The Asgiri Mahā Vihāraya: An Introduction to the History and Administrative Procedure Godagama MANGALA The Contribution of Udhbhaa¹­a¹­ha to Alaa¹ƒkāra Śāstra Kivulegedara NĀRADA H. S. Olcott and the Revivals of Hinduism and Buddhism Initiated by the Theosophical Society James A. SANTUCCI   A Practice of the Four Immeasurables (apramāa¹‡a) in the Sarvāstivāda School Wei SHAN Role of Daoism in the Expansion of Buddhism in China Lalji SHRĀVAK Humanistic Buddhism and Religious Pluralism from the perspectives of Pali Tipia¹­aka Siddharth SINGH Vidyānandin's Examination of Buddhist Teachings in his Satyaśāsana-parÄ«ka¹£Ä Jayandra SONI The Lightness of the JÄ«va. Omniscience, Liberation and Bliss in a Jaina Text on 'ultimate dying' Luitgard SONI Philosophen der Kyôto-Schule in ihrer Beziehung zu Meister Eckhart: Konfrontation und Faszination Johannes SOTH An Outstanding Lay Buddhist : The Great Compassionate Grand Queen Insu Bhikkhuni SOUN Origin of the Buddhist Sangha Lineage of the Uva Wellassa Region Badullagammana SUMANASĀRA The Five Skandha and Nāma-RÅ«pa Scheme According to Buddhist Philosophy Doboom TULKU The Gedige Rāja Mahā Vihāraya or the Route of the Daladā Perehera. Wendaruwe Dharmakeerthi UPĀLI The Story of Peaches and Pears Told by Xuanzang: Another Angle on China-India Cultural Exchange Bangwei WANG Djé Tsongkhapa (1357-1419) et le temple de Dzine-tchi Françoise WANG-TOUTAIN Buddha und der halbe Nobelpreis. Notizen zu einem vergessenen Dichter Elsbeth WARNECKE Bangert de Vondel - Bilder (Paintings) 1990-2020 (Review Article) Bhikkhu PĀSĀDIKA Dragomir Dimitrov, The Legacy of the Jewel Mind. On the Sanskrit, Pali, and Sinhalese Works by Ratnamati (Review Article) Bhikkhu PĀSĀDIKA  

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