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Death, Taxes, and Sweet Potato Fries

Couverture du livre « Death, Taxes, and Sweet Potato Fries » de Diane Kelly aux éditions St Martin's Press
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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SHE HAS AN APPETITE FOR JUSTICE. But this time IRS Special Agent Tara Holloway is in over her head-'and challenging every dietary law in the book. . . When the IRS is tasked with assisting the border patrol in pursuing unscrupulous 'coyotes' who've transported illegal immigrants across the... Voir plus

SHE HAS AN APPETITE FOR JUSTICE. But this time IRS Special Agent Tara Holloway is in over her head-'and challenging every dietary law in the book. . . When the IRS is tasked with assisting the border patrol in pursuing unscrupulous 'coyotes' who've transported illegal immigrants across the border, Tara finds herself at odds. Not only must she investigate Brett Ellington, her old flame whose landscaping business employs such workers, but now Tara has to convice her new romantic partner in crime, Nick Pratt, that she doesn't still carry a torch for Brett. #stresseating #greaseistheword 'This series [is] a real winner.'-'Fresh FictionNow, in addition to proving her love to her own fiancé, Tara is on the hunt for a trail of bogus 1099s in the Dallas area. Someone, somewhere is using the IRS as a pawn in a cunning game of revenge. Will Tara be able to identify the culprit making the false tax reports-'before her sweet-potato-fry addiction forces her to get her engagement ring resized? That is, if jealousy doesn't get the best of Nick first...

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