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Stuart Codling

Stuart Codling
Stuart Codling is a respected motorsport journalist and broadcaster who has written extensively about Ferrari, including The Story of Ferrari and Ferrari Formula 1: Car by Car. He has appeared as an F1 expert on TV and radio, hosted for Renault F1, and contributes to F1 Racing, Autosport, Autocar... Voir plus
Stuart Codling is a respected motorsport journalist and broadcaster who has written extensively about Ferrari, including The Story of Ferrari and Ferrari Formula 1: Car by Car. He has appeared as an F1 expert on TV and radio, hosted for Renault F1, and contributes to F1 Racing, Autosport, Autocar, and the Red Bulletin. Stuart is the author of several books, including Real Racers: Formula 1 Racing in the 1950s and 1960s, Art of the Formula 1 Race Car, Art of the Classic Sports Car, and The Life Monaco. Stuart lives in Surrey, England.

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