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Sonia Elisabetta Corvaglia

Sonia Elisabetta Corvaglia
Sonia Elisabetta Corvaglia, is an author of children's books and television screenwriter and teaches at the Cattolica University in Milan. Every now and then, she hops on a plane and visits a bit of the world but her favourite place will always be the Land of Fantasy and Imagination. Anna Lang is... Voir plus
Sonia Elisabetta Corvaglia, is an author of children's books and television screenwriter and teaches at the Cattolica University in Milan. Every now and then, she hops on a plane and visits a bit of the world but her favourite place will always be the Land of Fantasy and Imagination. Anna Lang is a Hungarian graphic designer and illustrator who is currently living and working in Sardinia. After attending the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Budapest, she graduated as a graphic designer in 2011. In recent years she has brilliantly illustrated a number of titles for White Star Kids.

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